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Saturday, August 6, 2011

1st DMS Drumline Camp 2011!

We could not be more proud of our 2011-2012 Dulles Middle School Drumline.  Thank you for setting such a high standard for our band!  You worked for 12 hours over 2 days.  So much was covered:  review of rudiments and fundamentals, drumline warm ups, all region snare and mallet etudes, and drumline cadences!  Hooray!  Enjoy some pictures from the 2 day camp below.


  1. Hahahaha! Sahil had mentioned the dead oppossum but thanks to this pic I felt like I was there. Great pictures looks like the kids had a fantastic time! Thanks for treating them for Pizza and Subway, so nice of you!

  2. LOL.. i LOVED the DEAD possum <3
